I decided to start a blog so that I can see for myself and show others the progress I am making in photography. I love taking pictures, especially of babies and children and hope to one day go professional.
My friend Dennis Sprinkle who is a wonderful and talented photographer wanted some more practice and asked me if he could shoot me. I am a person that definately prefers to be behind the camera, but I did want to help him out and also would have been nice to actually have a decent photo of myself! Here are some of my favorites.....
Went Saturday morning with a couple of photographers to Ocoee to shoot some landscape. The colors were amazing, I think I was able to capture them pretty well!
I had a chance today to photograph this beautiful 2 year old and her handsome almost 5 year old brother. It is not hard to get good shots with eyes like these 2 have. So far, I only have 3 pics to show, but will work on some more tomorrow and might post some more then!
I am not a huge car fan, but I do appreciate the beauty of a well maintained classic! Saturday evening was our monthly Mainstreet Cruise-In. Of course I had to snap a few pics!
Hunter started pre-K this week and I still cannot believe that my little baby boy is now going to school! Maybe now I can practice taking pics more while he is in school and Anika is napping. I am disappointed in myself that I still have gotten nowhere with my photography skills. I took this picture today of Hunter, Anika was asleep and he actually wanted me to take a pic of him! :)
Been a while as usual, really need to take more time for myself so that I can practice with focus, exposure, etc. Anyway, today I bribed the kids with lollipops in return for a few pictures ;) It unfortunately only worked for less than 10 minutes, but I did get a couple of pics I like.